Tuesday, 1 March 2011

Opening Doors

Celebrate the 100th International Women’s Day by sharing your story of an inspiring woman

This year, I celebrated my 50th birthday surrounded by family and friends. Among them were dozens of women who, over the years, have had a profound influence on my life and my career. Reflecting (as one is apt to do around these life milestones) I realized these remarkable women have not only influenced my life, but have shaped the lives of many. As mothers, sisters, partners, lawyers, accountants, social workers, volunteers and friends they touch thousands of people. These women are leading organizations, supporting charities, and taking leadership roles in their communities. I am so fortunate to have them as mentors, colleagues and friends. 

One woman of great distinction in my life was not there for the birthday celebrations, my mother. And it is my mother who I want to honour this International Women’s Day.

When I was nine, my mom made the decision to leave an abusive relationship and raise five children on her own.  In 1960s and 70s Quebec there were few resources available.  Leaving meant my mother would constantly struggle to make ends meet.  Despite the enormous obstacles she faced, the long hours she put into work as well as the care of her family, my mother always found time for others. She volunteered when she could, sharing what little we had. And she remains an active volunteer to this day.  From my mother I learned about the courage, strength, resilience and generosity of women.

And perhaps it was her example that brought me to Crossroads. Today, Crossroads is supporting thousands of ordinary women who are not really so different from my mom. These are women who face enormous obstacles, struggle to earn a living and to provide a better life for their children.  Ordinary women, yes. But they are doing extraordinary things – creating viable businesses, challenging and changing laws to ensure that others can live free from violence, and educating girls so that they can live to their full potential.

At Crossroads we are opening doors for thousands of women in Bolivia and Africa.  We do this by providing small loans that enable women to start and expand small businesses and by helping establish cooperatives that enable them to transform traditional work into viable  income-generating enterprises. We are also investing in girls and young women through empowerment and leadership programs. In communities where violence against women is endemic, and where women do not enjoy even basic human rights, these programs enable women and girls to become leaders in their communities. With that confidence and those skills, these women and girls are challenging the status quo and working for change.  

Please join our Open Doors Campaign. On this 100th Anniversary of International Women’s Day, take action in support of women in Africa and Bolivia to Open Doors of opportunity.

It couldn’t be easier:
  1. Register and set a personal fundraising goal
  2. Think of a woman who opened doors for you. Be sure to tell “her story” on your personal page 
  3. Email your friends. Ask them to make a gift to the OPEN DOORS CAMPAIGN in honour of a woman who is an inspiration to them.  
  4. Change lives forever.
Your gift will enable women in some of the world’s poorest countries to earn sustainable incomes and gain independence. Thank you for your support

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